Monday, August 5, 2013


Hi Everyone,
It has been a while again since my last post!
I am Packed up and Moving but I have a few
Little projects to show you.  I am going nuts ,
I am going through DT"s lol.   I am so excited
to be going to Be with My Daughter and Grandson!!!
I miss them so much.   I should be back up and running
regular in October or November.  

Thanks so much!

My Daughters Birthday Card!
Made with
Diamond digital Stamps
Mini Album,
Teresa Collins paper.
Old Bo bunny paper!
LOL Used all my old paper so I didn't have to pack it !
8x8 Calendar 
Graphic 45 Paper
And November please note I used ,
Tracy's Paper piecing's for Turkey !!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Nut Cracker

Hi everybody,
Here is my take on the "Nut Cracker".
Graphic 45 papers!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Paint Caddy

Here is another project.
This is a dusty attic chip board paint caddy.
I assembled and  painted it. I also used Pion Paper "For Mother"  
 to decorate it. I  also used tons of pearls and
lace as you can see. Butterflies are from Angelica's Etsy shop!
They finished the project nicely.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Doll Carriage

Hi there,
This is an early 1900's doll carriage my mom gave me this summer when I went to visit her.
It was originally all black, (EWE) and was in very rough shape.  I took it home an
 disassembled it all!
The hood, lining frame everything.  I used the fabric hood and lining as a template. I had to be very careful with it as it was just rotten and falling apart lol.  The frame was also black so I painted Ivory and I used a soft rose pink for the hood and lining and lots and lots of lace lol!
Thanks so much for looking!

A few more little projects!

A card for a dear old friend!


mini project on canvas
Here are a few more cards!

I have a lot of catching up to do lol!
These were alot of fun to make, Sorry Pictures are not great.

Something new

A few cards, I have made in the last year lol.

I am so sorry , I didn't have time to post sooner.
Well it has been a long time since I posted anything lol,
Oh my goodness !! I didn't realize it has been this long!.
Anyway , I have a lot of things to catch up on.
So be patient and I will try to add some new photo's of things I have been working on.
I will start loading photos over the next few days.
